If versions are not already installed on the PC an error message will occur, stating that versions were not found.ħ 7 Rockwell Automation Support Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the web to assist you in using our products. Restrictions The following restriction applies to this revision of firmware: DriveTools SP Versions DriveTools SP software versions must already be installed on your PC in order for the version 5.06 software patch to install.

Correction: The control bar issue has been resolved for PowerFlex 750-Series drives when using a 1203-USB converter, as well as the 20-WIM-Nx wireless interface module. Control Bar Does Not Work for PowerFlex 750-Series Drives Through the 1203-USB Anomaly: The control bar does not work for PowerFlex 750-Series drives when using a 1203-USB converter. Correction: The correct diagrams now display for both the PowerFlex 753 and PowerFlex 755 Frame 8 and larger drives.

Support for the ENETR Dual-port EtherNet/IP Option Module Added support for the new ENETR in Standard and Tap modes.Ħ 6 Corrected Anomalies This section describes the anomalies corrected in this revision for software: PowerFlex 755 Drive Diagrams Display for PowerFlex 753 and PowerFlex 755 Frame 8 and Larger Drives Anomaly: The diagrams for PowerFlex 755 drives display for both the PowerFlex 753 and PowerFlex 755 Frame 8 and larger drives. This update corrects some issues that could cause DriveExecutive to crash or stop running.

The version number will be located under the DriveExecutive name Enhancements This section describes the enhancements provided in this version of software: Support for DeviceLogix Editor Version The version 5.06 software patch updates the DriveExecutive software to include the latest DeviceLogix editor. 5 5 Method #2 In DriveExecutive, select Help > About DriveExecutive to display the About DriveExecutive Software window.