The present work also presents an analysis of the alien species and other biodiversity threatens. 105 species showed some degree of threaten according to endangered species official lists.

After synonymies checking and doubtful identification clearing, primary and secondary data added up to 1,117 species occurring in this conservation unit. The secondary data pointed to the occurrence of 1,184 species in the area, among Pteridophyta, Pinophyta and Magnoliophyta. Those data were analyzed together with secondary data about tree and shrub species records in the Park, achieved from technical and scientific publications, theses, research reports and herbaria records.

Vegetation descriptors related to the forest cover were recorded and a list of species was produced with aid of botanical material collection and identification. Along the trails, a qualitatively evaluation of the vegetation physiognomy was made, considering essentially trees and shrub species. Field data were obtained through a Rapid Ecological Assessment – REA, carried out in a set of ten trails which were selected in order to allow traveling over the most possible extension of the different physiognomies and conservation degrees of the vegetation in the Park. Moreover, it needs a redefinition or reconceptualization of the discourse of science in the Islamic world.This work presents an analysis of the vegetation of the Carlos Botelho State Park (a 37.644,36 hectares conservation unit located in the Vale do Ribeira do Iguape Region, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil) as a contribution for the elaboration of its Management Plan. There are several models offered of contemporary Muslim scientific epistemology which have big influence among the Islamic world. Some existing offers is the need for shifting the paradigm in the field of Islamic scientific epistemology, namely from Islamic epistemology normative-textual-bayani to the contemporary Islamic scientific epistemology in intuitive-spiritual-Irfani pattern (in axiological) that have many relationship with ethical dimensions to the development of science.

This paper is intended to examine the Islamic sciences that have big chance to be integrated with science through the practice of Islamic education. This is done so Islam will be able to re-concern about science vision such it happened in the early days of Islam.